ASSA PretoriaAndromeda


Pretoria Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa

Welcome! - The Pretoria branch of the Astronomical Society of South Africa offers amateur and professional astronomers the chance to learn more about the field of astronomy and enjoy the unique southern skies.

The ASSA Pretoria Centre's AGM was held on 24 July 2024. The AGM Annual report and minutes are available at the following link:

Notification to paid-up members of the ASSA Pretoria Centre: The 2024 Sky-Guides have arrived and are available at three collection points:

  • Johan Smit in Centurion (11 Illovo Avenue, Wierda Park X2, Centurion) - 072 806 2939, e-mail:
  • Michael Poll in the Moot Area (12, Deanery Place, 71 Lys Street, Rietfontein) - e-mail: (please contact Michael only by e-mail)
  • Danie Barnardo in Silverton (830 Bovidan Crescent, Silverton X15) - 084 588 6668, e-mail: (please contact Danie preferably by e-mail)
  • Please make an appointment before collection

Next Observing Evening:

  • Date: Friday 21 February 2025
  • Time: From sunset

Next monthly meeting:

  • Date: Wednesday 26 February 2025
  • Chairperson: Danie Barnardo
  • Time: 19:00
  • Whats up in March 2025 - Danie Barnardo
  • Main Talk: To be announced

Click here for the January 2025 Newsletter!

Click on the image below to read an article on media misinformation

Media Misinformation

Percy Jacobs captured this image of Comet C A3 Tsuchinshan

Johan Moolman captured these incredible images at Kambro during the 2024 star party:


Prof. Francis Thakeray grew up on the extensive property at the Radcliffe Observatory, from my birth in 1952 until 1972. As a teenager I often served as a night assistant for my father, Andrew David Thackeray (known as "ADT"). I also used the wonderful 12-inch reflector which was established (adjacent the 74-inch reflector) with the enthusiasm of amateur astronomers from Pretoria and Johannesburg branches of ASSA. My father interacted closely with amateurs, including Jack Bennett whose discoveries of a spectacular comet and a supernova were officially verified through ADT.

Our future monthly meetings will be held at the CBC Mount Edmund.

The meetings are held in a classroom of the school. We will combine meetings in future with a video meeting similar to our monthly meetings on Jitsi, to accommodate our regular callers-in from all over the world.

Those of you that do not know the venue, please please ask at the entrance.

Our monthly Observing Evenings will also continue on the cricket field of CBC Mount Edmund. See above for the next observing evening

We look forward to see you there!

Thys Maree imaged the ASSA 100 deepsky objects between 2021 and 2024; an incredible achievement - well done Thys! A pdf with his images are available at the following link: ASSA 100 deepsky objects

Johan Moolman made an observation of NGC 2467 "The Scull and Crossbones Nebula" Scull and Crossbones Nebula

Bosman Olivier gave a talk: "Remote Controlled Telescopes - Smart Astronomy" at the Centre's virtual meeting on 27 January 2021. The Power Point presentation of his talk is available at the following link: remote Controlled Telescopes.

Please have a look at our Observing Section page. Comments, suggestions and especially contributions will be appreciated!

Useful ASSA websites

The website for all information about the ASSA and the ASSA Centres:

ASSA Specialist Sections:ASSA has various areas of interest. Join and participate!

ASSA Publications to download and enjoy:

To receive as part of ASSA membership benefits: Sky Guide, the astronomical handbook for southern Africa

Mail Groups to join:

Social Media to join and share:

current night sky over PretoriaSky map by AstroViewer®

Activities of the Astronomical Society Activities of the Astronomical Society Activities of the Astronomical Society Activities of the Astronomical Society